

英語版FF9日誌87 : I guess Dagger and I will go our separate ways once we reach Lindblum...

飛空艇でリンドブルムに向かっている途中のジタンの心の声です。 Zidane: (I guess Dagger and I will go our separate ways once we reach Lindblum...) I guess Dagger and I will go our separate ways once we reach Lindblum... go (our) separate ways…

英語版FF9日誌86 : I think we pushed it a little too hard.

飛空艇で南ゲートを強行突破した後のセリフです。 Zidane: I think we pushed it a little too hard. I think we pushed it a little too hard. push it で「極端なリスクを冒す、限界に挑戦する」という意味です。

英語版FF9日誌85 : Don't let go of the steering wheel!

ゾーンとソーンが黒のワルツ3号を遠くから観察しています。 Zorn: Did you see that? Our enhanced black mages! All defeated! Thorn: Betrayed us, Steiner did! It is all his fault! Zorn: Huh? Thorn: Unstable, the ship becomes! Don't let go of the…

英語版FF9日誌84 : I must run a background check on them.

前回と同じセリフです。 Steiner: At last! Queen Brahne is sure to be pleased. However... the princess would have been left behind without the thief's aid. I shall petition for a life sentence on his behalf. Yes, that would be the honorable …

英語版FF9日誌83 : I shall petition for a life sentence on his behalf.

スタイナーは飛行船でガーネット姫を城へ連れ帰れると確信し、独り言を言っています。 Steiner: At last! Queen Brahne is sure to be pleased. However... the princess would have been left behind without the thief's aid. I shall petition for a life…

英語版FF9日誌82 : Maybe she'll reward me with a kiss or two if I try hard enough.

ジタンの独り言です。 Zidane: I get the feeling she doesn't quite trust me yet... Maybe she'll reward me with a kiss or two if I try hard enough. Maybe she'll reward me with a kiss or two if I try hard enough. キスの一つや二つのご褒美はくれ…

英語版FF9日誌81 : It's not like I did it on purpose.

ジダンがラッキースケベについて、ガーネットに釈明しています。 Zidane: Come on, it's not like I did it on purpose. Dagger: Please, enough. Zidane: There's that royal tone in your voice again. Come on, it's not like I did it on purpose. on pu…

英語版FF9日誌80 : He was so adamant about going back to the castle before...

リンドブルム行きだとスタイナーに偽られ、ジタン達はアレクサンドリアに向かう飛行船に乗り込もうとしています。 Zidane: Wait here while I ask the people inside if we can hitch a ride. Steiner: I-I shall go ask them! Zidane: Oh, really. How come…

英語版FF9日誌79 : You almost stabbed Dagger!

ジタン達が隠れている樽をスタイナーが怪しんでいます。 Steiner: This barrel... What could be inside!? What could they possibly be shipping out from this village? What the-- Did I just see that barrel move?Let's see... (Poke it with a sword) …

英語版FF9日誌78 : This is a piece of cake compared to farming.

ダリの村人が地下から黒魔導士を出荷して船に積み込んでいます。 Man: I wonder what they're gonna use them for? We've been making lots of 'em since they set up the factory six months ago. Young Man: Who cares? This is a piece of cake compared …

英語版FF9日誌77 : Anyone can tell right from wrong.

前回の会話の続きです。 Steiner: I am just trying to do what is right! Morrid: Who decides right or wrong? You? Steiner: Anyone can tell right from wrong. Morrid: Ha ha ha... Still as green as a pickle. Steiner: When will the cargo ship arr…

英語版FF9日誌76 : ... or else the Alexandrian royal family will appropriate this property!

スタイナーが観測所にいるモリッド爺さんに聞き込みをしています。 Steiner: I am not here to drink coffee! Tell me when the cargo ship will arrive, or else the Alexandrian royal family will appropriate this property! Morrid: And then what? Ste…

英語版FF9日誌75 : How could they...?

ジタン達は棺のような箱にとじ込められたビビを発見して助け出します。 Dagger: Someone's crying...<Sniff...Sniff...> Zidane: ...Vivi? Vivi: Zidane!? Zidane: It IS you! I'll get you out! Why would they stuff you in a box? Dagger: How could they...? Zidane: We'll</sniff...sniff...>…

英語版FF9日誌74 : We're only in charge of production.

前回の会話の続きです。 Young Man: Who cares? We need more workers anyway. Hey, let's put this in a box. Man: I guess the guys at the castle will take care of it. Young man: Yup. We're only in charge of production. We're only in charge of p…

英語版FF9日誌73 : He probably only said that because...

村人がビビを捕まえた宿屋の店番(村長の弟)について話しているのをジタンが盗み聞きしています。 Man: Why is it moving...? Is it true that the mayor's brother found it? Young Man: I guess they reconciled. His brother's one of us now. Man: ...Wa…

英語版FF9日誌72 : Let's look for one.

地下に閉じ込められているビビの声を聞いたジタンは、地下に入る方法を考えます。 Zidane: There's gotta be a way into the underground somewhere. Let's look for one. Let's look for one. なぜitではなくoneなのでしょうか。 itは既出の物を指す言葉で…

英語版FF9日誌71 : Well, now that you have time, ...

スタイナーが情報収集するために店番の娘の手伝いをした後の会話です。 Steiner: Well, now that you have time, would you introduce me to some adults, like your father? Dutiful daughter Slai: My father won't be back until nightfall. All the othe…

英語版FF9日誌70 : I used to see them tending the farm next to the village.

ジタンとガーネットは宿屋に戻ると、ダリの村について感じた違和感を話し合っています。 Zidane:How do you like this village? Pretty different from the castle, I bet. Dagger: Yes. The kids are very energetic, and there are so many things to see.…

英語版FF9日誌69 : Here's a chance to listen in on some conversation.

ガーネットが一般人の振る舞いを学ぼうと、アイテム屋の娘と会話するシーンです。 Shopkeeper Eve: Welcome! Dagger: Um, yes, can we talk for a bit? Shopkeeper Eve: Talk? Dagger: Um... Pasty Yacha: Eve!!! Shopkeeper Eve: Yacha! Can't you see I'm …

英語版FF9日誌68 : I don't wanna give in to my brother

ジタン一行が泊った宿の主人が不穏な独り言を猫に向かってしゃべるシーンです。 Innkeeper Hal: Oh, it's you... What should I do? I don't wanna give in to my brother, but everyone else's makin' money 'cept me... ...... Hey, wasn't that customer …

英語版FF9日誌67 : Is he rude or what?

氷の洞窟で氷漬けになっていたモイスからグモへの手紙です。 Gumo: A letter from Mois? Hmm... I don't like Mois, but I'll read it anyway. Kupo. From Mois to Gumo Yo! Man, I got totally iced up by some dude with wings on his back! Stiltzkin pas…

英語版FF9日誌66 : You are better off staying home today.


ジタンが宿屋でカラー占いを発見した時のイベントです。 Zidane: Hey, this must be "color fortunes"! It was a big fad in Lindblum a few years back. Color fortunes: Bad Omen There are good days, and there are bad days. You may be prone to injur…

英語版FF9日誌65 : Kids these days!


前回、ガーネットが独り言を言いながら悩んでいると、後ろから農家のおばさんがやってきます。 Old Lady: You're in my way, kiddo. Dagger: (Kiddo?) Oh, my apologies... I mean, I'm sorry. Old Lady: Kids these days! Dagger: What are you doing? Old …

英語版FF9日誌64 : Mother went too far.

ガーネットが心配事を独白しているシーンです。 Dagger: I wonder if the castle is okay? That was quite a ruckus... Mother went too far. She didn't have to fire at the ship, even if she did it to rescue me... I wonder how many people got hurt?…

英語版FF9日誌63 : You had to go on a tirade.

ダリの村の宿屋に着いたジタン一行は今後の方針について話し合いますが、例のごとくジタンとスタイナーの意見が対立し口論になります。そんな中、ビビは疲れからか眠ってしまいました。 Vivi: Zzz... Steiner: Master Vivi... Zidane: He was tired. But you…

英語版FF9日誌62 : Didn't this model go on sale to commemorate the building of the fifth theater ship?

ダリの村の近くで出会うモリッドという老人との会話です。モリッドの家に飾ってある劇場艇の模型について話しています。 Zidane: Didn't this model go on sale to commemorate the building of the fifth theater ship? Morrid: I bought it at an auction …

英語版FF9日誌61 : You're getting the hang of it!

ガーネットがダガーと名乗る様に決めた後、ジタンがダガーの言葉遣いについて言及するシーンです。 Zidane: Great, Dagger. Now, let's work on your speech... Try to sound more casual. Like me. Dagger: I shall try. Zidane: No, no, no... (What would…

英語版FF9日誌60 : I don't take orders from a stuck-up jerk like you!


前回の会話の続きです。スタイナーとジタンが口論しています。 Zidane: Dammit, Rusty! Why don't you just shut up? Who do you think you are? I don't take orders from a stuck-up jerk like you! I don't take orders from a stuck-up jerk like you! s…

英語版FF9日誌59 : Insolent fool!

Zidane: You're a princess! You can't just go rushing in there. People are looking for you. You need a new identity. Steiner: Insolent fool! The princess need not sneak around! Besides, we're heading back to the castle. You leave her alone.…

英語版FF9日誌58 : You may have been to that village.


Garnet: We made it through the Mist! Oh, the sun feels great! Zidane: Look, there's a village. I think I've been there before... Garnet: It sounds like you've been everywhere, Zidane. The only other worlds I've visited are in books. You ma…