


英語版FF9日誌57 : She's out cold...


前回の続き、急に気を失ってしまったスタイナーをジタンが起こそうとしているシーンです。 Zidane: Get up! ...It's no use. Oh no! Garnet! Not you, too? Garnet? She's out cold... Shoot... I'm falling asleep... She's out cold... out coldは「気を失…

英語版FF9日誌56 : Move it or lose it!


Zidane:Yo, Rusty! You're... not alright, are you? What happened to you guys? Hey, Rusty! Move it or lose it! Move it or lose it! 極寒の中、急に眠りに落ちてしまったスタイナーを蹴り飛ばしながら言ったセリフです。 Use it or lose it「使わないと…

英語版FF9日誌55 : I should like to arrest and punish them


Steiner: I should like to arrest and punish them if the circumstances were different! I should like to arrest and punish them if the circumstances were different! 霧の下で、自分の知らない人々がアレクサンドリアの軍旗を使用しているのを見て、…

英語版FF9日誌54 : Happy trails!


Monty: Happy trails! Kupo! Happy trails! 「楽しい旅を」という意味のようです。trail自体は「何かが通った跡」とか「道」という意味ですね。 余談ですが、happy trailと、単数形で言うと、ヘソから陰部にかけて続く体毛のことを指すこともあるようです。

英語版FF9日誌53 : Don't get cocky.


Monty: I'm impressed, kupo! First time I've seen anyone escape from Evil Forest. You all must be strong, kupo! But don't get cocky, kupo. Lots of stronger monsters ahead. But don't get cocky, kupo. cockyというのは「自惚れた、生意気な」とい…

英語版FF9日誌52 : There's a cavern to the south of us.

Zidane: According to the map that Blank gave me, there's a cavern to the south of us. There's a cavern to the south of us. 特に難しい文章ではないので意味は分かるのですが、自分でこの言い方思いつくかというと思いつかないと思ったのでピックアッ…

英語版FF9日誌51 : State your sworn duty!

前回の会話の続きです。 Zidane: So what do you say, Rusty? Friends? Come on, let's just enjoy this camping trip while it lasts. Steiner: Camping--you imbecile! Surely even you must know something about the Mist. The vicious monsters it spaw…

【映画】Men in Black 3 : I wish I could.

ちょっと今日は映画の話を。 メン・イン・ブラック3という、昔何度も繰り返し見た映画なのですが、久しぶりに見ていると、長年僕が誤解している台詞があった事に気が付きました。 映画のラストでロケット打ち上げ後に、主人公の一人であるKが、もう一人の主…

英語版FF9日誌50 : if you hadn't abducted the princess


Garnet: ...How did I survive...? You brought me here? Steiner: It is my sworn duty to protect you at any cost. Zidane: What are you talking about? It was Vivi's magic and my dagger that got you out of there, Princess. Garnet: I thank you b…

英語版FF9日誌49 : Please get a hold of yourself!


Steiner: Princess!! Please get a hold of yourself! Blank: Zidane, give her the stuff. <Hack-hack...> Steiner: Princess, please try to drink all of it. Vivi: Is she gonna be okay? Please get a hold of yourself! get a hold of yourselfで、「気を確かに持て</hack-hack...>…

英語版FF9日誌48 : Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Blank: Are you sure about this? Baku: Yeah, don't worry. We'll be outta here soon, too. Here, take this map. It's gonna be a long trip back to Lindblum... Blank: Alright. I'll see you later. Baku: I'm countin' on you! Do As I Say, Not As I…

英語版FF9日誌47 : Stay on your toes.


Conductor:Okay, let's really liven up this place! Violinist:Yeah, let our music do the fighting against those monsters! Cymbalist: This oughta boost morale. Drummer: This is great! Trumpeter: Brrum, brrrrum, brrrruuum! Baku:Hey, not bad! I…

英語版FF9日誌46 : Let's really liven up this place!

Conductor:Okay, let's really liven up this place! Violinist:Yeah, let our music do the fighting against those monsters! Cymbalist: This oughta boost morale. Drummer: This is great! Trumpeter: Brrum, brrrrum, brrrruuum! Baku:Hey, not bad! I…

英語版FF9日誌45 : I'll see you when I see you.


またまた同じ場面です Blank:Sheez...you really dig her, huh?Zidane:I can't sit around knowing a girl's in trouble. Goes against my nature. Blank: Whatever. You're full of crap. Zidane: Ohhh... I get it. You're jealous that I'm gonna get me …

英語版FF9日誌44 : Why don't you get your mind off girls for a second?


前回と同じやり取りの中のセリフです。 Blank:Sheez...you really dig her, huh?Zidane:I can't sit around knowing a girl's in trouble. Goes against my nature. Blank: Whatever. You're full of crap. Zidane: Ohhh... I get it. You're jealous that I…

英語版FF9日誌43 : Sheez...you really dig her, huh?


タンタラスを抜け、ガーネット姫を探しに行くジタンをブランクが見送るシーンです。 Blank:Sheez...you really dig her, huh?Zidane:I can't sit around knowing a girl's in trouble. Goes against my nature. Blank: Whatever. You're full of crap. Zidan…

英語版FF9日誌42 : I'll give it a try.

Steiner:Master Vivi... Vivi: Yeah? Steiner: It's about your black magic. I wish to try an experiment. I was wondering if... Whisper, whisper... Vivi: Magic sword...? Okay. I'll give it a try. I'll give it a try. give it a tryはめちゃくちゃ…

英語版FF9日誌41 : for crying out loud!


Steiner:Please, Master Vivi. For the sake of Princess Garnet and all of Alexandria, I humbly request your assistance! Zidane:Come on! You're a black mage, for crying out loud! Show us what you've got! Alright let's get going. Vivi: ...Okay…

英語版FF9日誌40 : In all honesty, I hold your power in greater esteem than I do this scoundrel's.


Zidane:Well, Vivi, we're ready to go look for the princess. Vivi: Really!? That's great! Be careful, okay? Zidane:Actually, we want you to come with us,too. Vivi: Huh!? B-But I can't do anything. Steiner:Hardly, Master Vivi. Your magic was…

英語版FF9日誌39 : You sure are something.

Marcus:I heard you beat the boss. You sure are something. I don't know why the boss was laughing afterwards... Maybe you hit too hard. You sure are something. somethingは「何か」という意味ですが、ここでは「お前はホントに何かだ」といってる…

英語版FF9日誌38 : I figured you were a private, what with that cheap, rusty armor...

Zidane:Come on. You're too old to be playing with a doll. Steiner:Silence! A scoundrel like you could never understand! I'm just overwhelmed with concern for the princess! If only you rogues hadn't kidnapped her... This is all your fault! …

英語版FF9日誌38 : I'll be damned.

Baku: I'll be damned... Bravo! Go find your princess! Gwahahahaha... Zidane:Damn, that hurt! He pulled his punches 'til that last one. I'll be damned... 「こりゃ驚いた、なんてことだ、参ったね」と驚きを表すときに使うフレーズです。 He pulled…

英語版FF9日誌37 : I'm not holding back.


ジタンがタンタラスを抜けるためにバクーと決闘をするシーンです。 Baku:I ain't holdin' back. I'm not holding back. hold backで、「抑えておく」という意味です。状況によっていろんな意味になりますが、ここでは「手加減する」という意味で使っています…

英語版FF9日誌36 : We got more room there.


Baku:Took you long enough... I fell asleep, darn it. So, you're leaving, eh?Zidane:Yeah... I promise Garnet I'd kidnap her. Baku:Gwahaha! I didn't ask you why! I can't blame you, though. She's damn beautiful. I guess that's reason enough! …

英語版FF9日誌35 : He fusses a little from time to time, but he hasn't been all that bad.


Marcus:We locked that old knight up in the instrument storage room. He fusses a little from time to time, but he hasn't been all that bad. fuss : 空騒ぎする,やきもきして歩き回る He fusses a little from time to time, but he hasn't been all …

英語版FF9日誌34 : What's there to think about!?

Zidane: Yeah! What's there to think about!? She's cute... and she's in trouble. That's all that matters. What's there to think about!?「考えることなんて何があるっていうんだ!?」=「考えることなんて何もないじゃないか!!」という意味ですね。

英語版FF9日誌33 : To hell with looks. It's what's inside that counts.


Zidane: What's wrong...? Are you peeved at me because I called you little? Hey, you're a great mage with great powers, alright? To hell with looks. It's what's inside that counts. Vivi: I'm sorry when that monster caught her, I couldn't do…