


英語版FF9日誌32 : Beside, it was your black magic that saved the day.

Vivi: Th-Thank you for helping me. Zidane: Ah, don't mention it. Beside, it was your black magic that saved the day. You know, you've got some major power for such a little guy. Beside, it was your black magic that saved the day. save the …

英語版FF9日誌31 : I guess they don't call it Evil Forest for nothing.

Cymbalist: Plants that attack people... I guess they don't call it Evil Forest for nothin'. I guess they don't call it Evil Forest for nothing. for nothingで「なんの理由もなく」という意味です。つまり、「何の理由もなく魔の森と呼んでいるわけ…

英語版FF9日誌30 : My boys come before the princess.

Baku:Forget it. Monsters born out of the Mist are crawlin' everywhere. Zidane:So what? There's nothing out there we can't handle. Baku:Yeah, but what are we gonna do about wounded? Zidane: We can take 'em with us. Baku:How are we gonna car…

英語版FF9日誌29 : The princess's life rests in my hands.


Steiner: Damnit... I can't just stand here... The princess's life rests in my hands. What can their boss possibly accomplish!?This medicine... It smells terrible. And the color... This is obviously poison! <Huff-huff-heave-heave.>Ugh... I can't take it anymore...</huff-huff-heave-heave.>…

英語版FF9日誌28 : The princess is in grave danger!


Steiner: Princess... I'm coming right now......Stand aside! Benero: Room behind you, Go. Steiner:The princess... is in grave danger! Do you intend to ABANDON HER!? Benero: You're in no condition. Zenero: Don't worry about the princess. The…

英語版FF9日誌27 : If it weren't for Zidane, you'd both be dead.


Blank: You guys are lucky. If it weren't for Zidane, you'd both be dead. Some of the monsters in this forest reproduce by planting seeds in other animals. And when the seeds sprout, it's hasta la vista: you become beef jerky. Vivi: Um... A…

英語版FF9日誌26 : We're all dead meat.

Cinna:Zidane, I'm surprised you made it! I can't believe you jumped off! You're nuts, you know that? Zidane:I didn't jump off. I got thrown out from the impact. So, is everyone okay? Cinna:Yeah. We've all got the devil's luck. But if we do…

英語版FF9日誌25 : I'm beat.


Cinna:Phew... I'm beat... I'm beatは「すごく疲れた」と言いたい時の口語的な表現です。I'm really tiredって事ですね。 ちなみにここの日本語版のセリフは「はぁ、はぁ、」と息を切らしている声だけです。

英語版FF9日誌24 : Just my luck.

Baku:Just our luck to crash in this forest... It's gonna get interesting... 劇場艇が魔の森に落ちた時にバクーが言ったセリフです。Just my luck. は「ついてない」という時に使う表現で、「この森に墜落するとはついてない」⇒「よりによってこの森に落…

英語版FF9日誌23 : My back's killin' me.

Baku:My back's killin' me 直訳すると「オレの腰がオレを殺してる」という意味になりますが、ようは「腰が痛い」という事ですね。単に事実を言ってるだけでなく、「耐えられない!」という気持ちが混ざった表現です。 ちなみに日本語版ではここのセリフは「…

英語版FF9日誌22 : I just tripped, that's all...

Zidane: Hey kid...You okay!? Vivi:Y-Yeah. I just tripped, that's all... tripというと「旅」というイメージですが、ここでのビビのように動詞として使っている場合は、「つまずく、ころぶ」という意味で使います。 He tried to follow Jack's footsteps …

英語版FF9日誌21 : I'm afraid I cannot comply!

Garnet: Steiner! Don't follow me anymore! Haagen, Pluto Knight Ⅷ: Captain, sir!We await your orders, sir! Steiner:Princess! I'm afraid I cannot comply! Garnet: Stubborn as always, aren't you? Zidane: Come on, Princess. Let's ditch Sir Rust…

FF9で英語勉強20 : Not if I can help it!!!

リア王がコーネリアをシュナイダー王子と結婚させようと言い聞かせる場面です。 King Leo: This wedding is for thine own welfare. Be mindful of that. Marcus:Not if I can help it!!! Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my lover,…

FF9で英語勉強19 : Never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!

再び舞台に戻ります。 King Leo:Tonight, I shall finally see my daughter Cornelia betroth'd to Prince Schneider! betroth: (古)婚約させる King Leo: Hark, lad. No matter how much thou dost treasure Cornelia... ...no matter how deeply she migh…

英語を勉強しながらFF9プレイ日誌18: You needn't worry, Your Highness!

Cinna: Let's get the play over with and get the hell outta here! 以前ブランクが同じ表現をしていました。 Let's get this over with before the finale, okay? 逃げるガーネットとジタンの前にスタイナーが立ちはだかります Steiner: Princess! I, Stei…

英語を勉強しながらFF9プレイ日誌17: Hehehe. He bought it!

ジタンがついにガーネットに追いつきます Zidane: Whew... Well, it looks like you've finally made up your mind. (Wow. We really had to improvise. But hey, we got her!) improvise : 即席で作る、即興でする ジタン達を逃がすためにプルート隊員に化…

英語を勉強しながらFF9プレイ日誌16: Fatigue rears its ugly head

Steiner: Whew... Fatigue rears its ugly head. No! I must persevere! The princess must be found! Wait! Over there! It's Princess Garnet! Being hounded by brigands! Fear not, Princess! Your knight is coming! rear its ugly head: (問題などが)…