

FF9で英語勉強19 : Never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!



King Leo:
Tonight, I shall finally see my daughter Cornelia betroth'd to Prince Schneider!


betroth: (古)婚約させる


King Leo:

Hark, lad. No matter how much thou dost treasure Cornelia...

...no matter how deeply she might believe she doth love thee...

...never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!

hark: (文)聞く ※主に命令形で使う

dost: doの2人称単数現在形

doth: doの3人称単数現在形




I wish never to leave thy side.
Prithee, lead me from this place!

 prithee: (archaic) Short for "I pray thee"



See, King Leo? Thou shouldst give them thy blessing!


King Leo:

Never leave his side, thou sayest? Foolish banter! I'll not allow it!

Cornelia shall marry none other than this man--prince Schneider! Is that not so, Prince Schneider?

 sayest: sayの2人称単数現在形



M-Marry the princess? Me!?


King Leo:

Aye! And this traitorous crew, I will put to death!

put to death: 処刑する