

英語版FF9日誌117 : We were gonna put you to sleep with sleeping weed.

Dagger: Oh...um... How were you planning to abduct me? Zidane: We were gonna put you to sleep with sleeping weed, then kidnap you. It's mostly used for kids, but a big dose can knock out an adult just as easily. Dagger: I guess you did't n…

英語版FF9日誌116 : I'm always a step behind in everything...

ジタンとガーネットがリンドブルム城の望遠鏡で景色を眺めています。 Zidane: How's the view? Dagger: (...I've made so much trouble for everyone...)(Uncle Cid knew everything...) (That's why he asked Tantalus to get me out of Alexandria.) (No m…

英語版FF9日誌115 : I just got here.

ジタンがガーネットに会いに行くと、スタイナーが頭を抱えていました。 Zidane: What are you doing here? Steiner: You! What have you done with the princess!? Where is she!? Zidane: Whoa, take it easy. I just got here. Steiner: The princess is g…

英語版FF9日誌114 : I ain't sayin' this out of concern for our safety.

一方そのころタンタラス団のメンバーたちは無事に魔の森を抜けたようです。 Baku: Hey, about Blank... I think it's better that Evil Forest stays petrified... Marcus: Are you serious!? Baku: Don't get me wrong. I ain't sayin' this out of concern…

英語版FF9日誌113 : She got to talk to Cid.

近所の子供に後押しされ、ジタンがガーネットに会いに行こうとするシーンです。 Bunce: So, did the plan work? Zidane: ...Yeah. Princess Garnet is at the castle. Lucella: Really!? Wow... So, what's she like? Is she cute? Bunce: Did you ask her o…

英語版FF9日誌112 : I can't stand sitting around like this.

ガーネットはリンドブルム城のゲストルームにいます。 Elite Guard: Is there anything you need, Your Highness? Dagger: No, thank you. I'm thinking of going outside and having a look around. Elite Guard: I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we cannot …

英語版FF9日誌111 : It's that late already...

ジタンがリンドブルムのアジトに戻りますが、他のタンタラスのメンバーは誰もいませんでした。 Zidane: I figured there wouldn't be anybody here... It looks like no one's been here for a while. what to do, what to do...? ...... Geez. It's that la…

英語版FF9日誌110 : What cave did you just crawl out of!?

ヒルデガルド2号を見たスタイナーと老人の会話です。 Steiner: Wh-What is that large airship!? Grandpa: Amazing, isn't it? It's the Hilde Garde 2. Since it is equipped with a steam engine, developed by the regent himself, it can fly without Mi…

英語版FF9日誌109 : nothing like ~

酒場の客のセリフです。 Rosco: Ahhhh~, nothing like an icy cold root beer after a hard day's work. nothing like~は直訳すると「~のようなものは無い」という意味で、要するに「~ほど良いものなどない」という意味で使っています。

英語版FF9日誌108 : Provisional Air Cab Schedule

エアキャブ乗り場にビラが貼ってあります。 = Provisional Air Cab Schedule = For the next 3 days, air cabs will operate on the Festival of the Hunt schedule. Air Cab Management provisionalは「仮の、暫定的な、臨時の」という意味です。 provideか…

英語版FF9日誌107 : Transportation sure has come a long way.

エアキャブ乗り場での会話です。 Old Magaret: Transportation sure has come a long way. When I was young, we used to ride chocobos. They were much slower than these air cabs. It used to take at least an hour to get to the Theater District. Tr…

英語版FF9日誌106 : When is he gonna get it through his head...?

リンドブルムの合成屋での会話です。 Torres: The fire's too strong! How many times do I have to tell you? A few degrees can make a difference between a good weapon and a bad one. Use a lower flame! Wayne: Stop nagging! We've got a customer! …

英語版FF9日誌105 : I'd probably croak if I did.

エアキャブ前の老人の話です。 locke: Air cabs are amazing. Back in the old days, we had to walk all the way to the Theater District. I don't think I could ever walk that far anymore. I'd probably croak if I did. I'd probably croak if I did.…

英語版FF9日誌104 : They're one of Lindblum's delicacies.

また同じ会話からです。 Steiner: What a huge town! I'm completely lost. Pardon me... Female Red Mage: Geez... You're dressed awful funny. Steiner: ...I am Captain Adelbert Steiner of Alexandria, and I humbly request your assistance to get b…

英語版FF9日誌103 : A little shine wouldn't hurt, either.

前回と同じ会話からです。 Steiner: What a huge town! I'm completely lost. Pardon me... Female Red Mage: Geez... You're dressed awful funny. Steiner: ...I am Captain Adelbert Steiner of Alexandria, and I humbly request your assistance to get…

英語版FF9日誌102 : Do you always strike out that badly?

スタイナーがリンドブルムで迷子になっています。 Steiner: What a huge town! I'm completely lost. Pardon me... Female Red Mage: Geez... You're dressed awful funny. Steiner: ...I am Captain Adelbert Steiner of Alexandria, and I humbly request …

英語版FF9日誌101 : Before I knew it,

リンドブルムの街についてビビとジタンが話しています。 Vivi: Lindblum is really a busy place. I've never seen this many people before. I wonder where people go if they wanna be alone... Zidane: Lindblum has always been like this. People come…

英語版FF9日誌100 : Then she stormed off in the new airship,

シドがブリ虫になってしまった経緯を語っています。 Regent Cid: Actually... I met a lovely lady at the pub... Dagger: ...Um? Regent Cid: When Hilda found out about my little affair, she used her magic and turned me into an oglop. Then she sto…

英語版FF9日誌99 : Even if she were to command an army of black mages,

前回と同じ会話からです。 Dagger: At the Village of Dali, we saw numerous black mages. They looked like golems, controlled by some powerful magic. On top of that, they were being created under Alexandria's supervision. I don't know how they…

英語版FF9日誌98 : On top of that,

ダリで見かけた黒魔導士工場について、ガーネットがシドに報告しています。 Dagger: At the Village of Dali, we saw numerous black mages. They looked like golems, controlled by some powerful magic. On top of that, they were being created under A…

英語版FF9日誌97 : He and I go way back.

前回と同じ会話です。 Dagger: When I heard that Lindblum's theater ship was coming to Alexandria, I decide to sneak on board and come here no matter what. I just never expected the crew to kidnap me... Regent Cid: It was me... I was the one…

英語版FF9日誌96 : should anything happen, I would protect you.

ガーネット姫誘拐をタンタラスに依頼したのがシドだったことが判明します。 Dagger: When I heard that Lindblum's theater ship was coming to Alexandria, I decide to sneak on board and come here no matter what. I just never expected the crew to k…

英語版FF9日誌95 : They all think I'm distraught over losing Father...

ガーネットが母親との状況についてシドに相談しています。 Dagger: We haven't spoken much lately. Also, a suspicious man has been prowling around the castle. I don't know what's going on anymore... I fear that she might be planning something t…

英語版FF9日誌94 : Is she still as vibrant as ever?

シドがブラネについて聞いています。 Regent Cid: So, how is the queen? Is she still as vibrant as ever? Dagger: Yes, but... Since Father died, Mother has been acting very strangely... Is she still as vibrant as ever? as~as everで「相変わら…

英語版FF9日誌93 : ...Same old Zidane.

リンドブルムの酒場でジタンがフライヤと再会します。好きなイベントなので全文読んでいきます。 Zidane: Yo, Pops. I'll have the stupid special.Bobo:Who said that!? Zidane... I figured it was you. Zidane: How've you been? Bobo: Alright, I guess.…

英語版FF9日誌92 : How can anyone get full on that stuff?

リンドブルム城でのランチの後、城下町をジタンが歩いています。 Zidane: I can't stand the food at the castle. It's way too high-class for my tastes. How can anyone get full on that stuff? The cheap food here is a lot better. Today's special i…

英語版FF9日誌91 : He may seem a bit odd at times

ジタンがシドについてガーネットに聞いています。 Zidane: Hey, Dagger, What's Regent Cid like? I lived in Lindblum for a while, but I've never met him. Dagger: Regent Cid is very wise. He always thinks ahead. He may seem a bit odd at times, b…

英語版FF9日誌90 : The Mist poses great danger

リンドブルムの文臣オルベルタがリンドブルム城の構造を説明しているシーンです。 Minister Artania: Lindblum Castle has three levels, all connected by this lift. From the Base level, which lies below the Mist, you can take a trolley to the harb…

英語版FF9日誌89 : Just what seems to be the problem...?

自分とそっくりの黒魔導士たちを見て思い悩むビビにスタイナーがかけた名台詞のシーンです。ここでスタイナーの印象がかなり変わりますね。 Vivi: ...Zidane. Those... black mages and I... Are we... the same...? Zidane&Dagger: ...... Steiner: I don't…

英語版FF9日誌88 : Just when we were beginning to get close...

ジタンの心の声の続きです。 Zidane: (Just when we were beginning to get close...) Just when we were beginning to get close... be beginning to~で「~しかける」という意味です。 ガーネットとの距離が近くなりかけてきた矢先に...と頭の中でぼやいて…