

英語版FF9日誌95 : They all think I'm distraught over losing Father...




We haven't spoken much lately. Also, a suspicious man has been prowling around the castle. I don't know what's going on anymore... I fear that she might be planning something terrible. I've brought this matter to everybody's attention, but no one has taken me seriously. They all think I'm distraught over losing Father...


Regent Cid:

I understand why you are so eager. I'm happy that you came to me for help.



At this point, I think you're the only person Mother will listen to...


 They all think I'm distraught over losing Father...

 distraught over~で「~に動揺する」という意味です。distraughtはdistractedの別の言い方のようで、意味的には同じ使い方をするようです。